Keep little bunnies busy with this great selection of fun activities.
Peter and his friends are collecting Easter Eggs, download the colouring sheet below for little bunnies to colour in!
Peter Rabbit is trying to find his lost chicks. Can you help him through the maze?
Download and print these special Peter Rabbit signs to create an Easter Egg Hunt for your little bunnies.
Find out how to create a timer to use in all little ones outdoor adventures and games, only using items from around your home.
Little bunnies can find all sorts of leaves outside in nature to make their own leaf collage. Download the activity sheet to get started!
Keep track of your little bunny's milestone moments.
Capture special memories of your little one's handprints and footprints with our downloadable World of Peter Rabbit sheets.
Print this Peter Rabbit template for guests to fill in at baby showers
Download, print and then colour in this World of Peter Rabbit first birthday card.
To celebrate National Children's Gardening Week, follow our instructions to grow Peter Rabbit's favourite food - radishes!
To celebrate National Children's Gardening Week, learn how to upcycle an old drink carton and turn it into a plant pot with The World of Peter Rabbit
Grow2Know are bringing your little bunnies fun and easy gardening activities. Learn how to upcycle a wooden crate to use as a planter here.